Selected responses to HA!Man solo performances

Wow! Wow! Wow! | Hanri-Marie de Jager SA 240313
bold, inspired, independent, extrovert, insular and... quirky! HA! | Colette Brando 240311 Peta
an oasis in the wilderness.. | Colette Brando 240311
You're a brilliant artist - a superstar! | Hans-Juergen Wiegand Germany 240228
the performance moved me to wonder, joy, amazement, awe and tears! | Jill Thompson SA 240127
Your music and performance combine the inner and outer worlds beautifully | Alison Chisholm SA 240125
Wow, François HA!Man nam ons mee op een muzikale improvisatie en dansreis! Het was verbluffend, onverwacht, teder, krachtig, GENIAAL! | Inge Struyf Belgium 231210
Amazing concert! Just attended Dartington Summer School with Anna Lapwood and David Grey (piano) etc, so some competition! Your employment of improvisation, noise etc is rather unusual. Musicians seem to have lost the skill! | Steve Arnold SA 230915
Brillianrt, so diverse and unusual. Surreal experience. | Marcelle Donner SA 230915
A wonderful evening, emotive, beautiful, enthralling. | Frank Susini SA 230905
Your performance blew me away. I feel enchanted and inspired. From a grand orchestral cellist to a mad man .. A perfect balance of classical artfulness and playful inspiration! | Megan van Niekerk SA 220402
AWESOME CINEMATIC SHOW! | Tom & Anya Glenn SA 220227
You and your music have matured so much since i first saw you. Very moving. One intimate world class performance, a collaboration of many instruments, voice and whistling. | Antoinette Wilken SA 220226
Emotionally charged. Touched me and made me want to cry. | Genie Vittu SA 220226
Dis die eerste keer dat my outistiese dogter van 28 jaar doodstil gesit en luister het, sonder enige bewegings! Jou musiek raak op plekke wat onsienlk is en dieper gaan as wat ons normale mense kan verstaan. Dankie vir jou gehoorsaamheid om te doen wat jy doen. | Elsabé Potgieter SA 211229
Stunning and overwhelming show to watch and be part of | Alma Botes SA 211222
I don't think I have ever had the privilege of listening to such a talented musician before - a talent that cannot be contained by sheet music or traditional understanding of what is music. | Caroline Brown SA 211222
Beautiful soul expereince. Lots of bodily sensations and stories to enjoy! Very much appreciated the energy of equality and the simplicity of the commentary Slightly wry surprise, humour and insight. | Maya Goldman SA 211221
An amazing truthful and spiritual experience. Such musical talent! Heartfelt. In the bones. Beyond belief! And a local! | Lesley Wainwright SA 211219
transformative, euphoric and grounding | Cherilyn Pitchford SA 211112
Hallo Meneer! Meneer is soos die ouer weergawe van August Rush toe Meneer op die tjello geklop het en ek love Meneer se musiek! ... Ek is gaande oor die vryheid in jou musiek, Francois! Dis amazing. | Mia & Lize Greeff SA 211023
Thank you for a refreshing evening - a generous sharing of yourself and of the stage with others! | Philippa Kabali-Kagura SA 211023
A unique, not-to-be-missed experience. I don't enjoy experimental jazz but there is always a strong thread in your music that holds it and holds me. I love the way you see the bad and the good and don't distort reality to your own making. The bad is accepted as part of reality. Such a priviledge to hear you perform in a small private lounge which brings connection and intimacy. | Judy Scott-Goldman SA 211022
emotional, raw and uplifting. magnificent! love the freedom of expression | Paula Lefrère SA 211021
HA! really inspiring!! I came here anxious, and now i feel present, grounded and enthused. Thank you for sharing a part of yor soul! | Melissa Fewtrell-Graham SA 211021
Absolute magical experience. It move you emotionally, mentally and physically as we dance around with our souls on the sound waves. Thank you for your amazing performance! | Christina van Wyk SA 210501a
Ek daag enige een uit om, indien die geleentheid hom ooit voordoen, die Ha!Man se alles-of-niks show te beleef en onaangeraak daar uit te loop. Die man se lyf word instrument, asem, arms, vingers en voete voel-voel en vatvat orals tegelyk, so vinnig dat jy later glo daai tjello en klavier kry iewers bloed vandaan: hulle's almal deel van hierdie woelige stuk mens wat jou met geluide saamvat na plekke toe wat jy mis dat dit seermaak, en na plekke toe wat jy nie ken nie maar graag wil wees. A slice of larger-than-life! Hy gee en gee en gee homself. Dat hy gedaan sy buiging vat, is geen wonder nie, want jy's self leeggetap. Dis jubel-en-juig en rillings-teendie-ruggraat-af-goed hierdie. Verstommend. Letterlik: watter woorde doen gestand? | Hennie & Susan la Grange SA 191011
Hy is 'n uitsonderlike kunstenaar met vele talente! Sy improvisasies bring die mees verassende en kreatiewe deelnames uit die gehoor. Hy is 'n siel wat inskakel by sy gehoor en presies wat hulle voel verklank. 'n Meester!! | Mathilda Hornsveld 190814
Today I am a different person. Your words and music have opened a door to a place of silence. A rich and expectant silence. What you show is that music is not a thing, a product, or goal. Music happens while you speak and listen and respond. Music is a process. An unfolding as you put it. Now I need to answer the silence you have made. Heidegger taught that one recognizes true learning by the sense of wonder one feels. He called it astonishment. I was and still am astonished. | Hennie van der Mescht SA 190813
amazing, a virtuoso at it's very best | Carol Salter UK 190316
Ongelooflijk wat hij allemaal in één performance propt. Naast de muziekinstrumenten, gebruikt hij vooral zijn stem, mond, tong en lippen om zichzelf te begeleiden. Hij fluit, zingt, klakt, kreunt, smakt, zucht, praat en schreeuwt. Tijdens het dansen met sjaals zet hij elke spier en elk gewricht van zijn lichaam in. | Jacques Smeets Netherlands 190305
wow. unbelievable. nog nooit so 'n experience gehad nie ... net wow | Jana Eloff 190302
Truly I have never seen anything like it | Tim Case SA 181220
a washing of spirit and soul in sound | Clair & Francois Du Toit 180816
Ha!Man Francois le Roux is truly one of the finest jewels of South African music. Classical music meets free improvisation meets storytelling meets INFINITY in his inspired performances. Rarely do we encounter such embodiment of spirit and skill, soul and technique, talent and humility in a single body-soul! | Joel Karabo Elliott USA S 180130
The inventiveness was astounding, the mastery of technology enviable as well as his obvious ability to play instruments conventionally. | Joanna Jones UK 170317
I'm dazzled by your ability to hold a complex, unfolding line of thought, tethered to an externally generated question/topic while singing and playing in harmony. That's got to be both rare and enjoyable by many. | Peter Willis SA 150901
"Your music is part of the fabric of this world--like the whale songs and chirping of the crickets, like the visions of dreamtime and the songs that help call this world into existence." | Sharon Alley USA E 130114
Francois le Roux has an approach to music that is special - very talented, feels the music and lives in that moment. It is as much a visual art, as it is absolute passion and incredible arrangement of sounds. | 120810
Ungew÷hnlich ist er. Und so ist auch seine Musik, die nach Europa klingt und nach Afrika, nach Weltmusik, nach Klassik, nach Jazz, nach Pop. | 120702
ek KAN NIE in woorde vir jou die belewenis daarvan beskryf nie! HEMELSàlewens-veranderend..HEERLIK! Dit is inderdaad 'n onbeskryflike ervaringà want Francois is seker een van die mees talentvolle musikante wat ek in 'n baie lang tyd gehoor het (en BELEEF het!)à verder is Francois se groot gedeelte van sy vertoning "Spontaan"à. Dit beteken eenvoudig dat hy die musiek "skep" soos dit komà. WOWà dit is soos om op 'n MAAND se vakansie te gaan à mens kom wraggies 'n NUWE mens uit sy vertoning uit! | Hanli Steenkamp SA 110921
this was i think the most vibrant and enchanting musical experience of my life. a carnival of harmony + inspiration | Sarah Foale SA 110916
"truly stupendous evening. how does one put this impression into words. just clean impossible" | Cherith Davidson SA 110916
"Jou visie van 'n meer verenigde en volwasse menslike familie is moontlik, en ek voel dat jy op die regte pad is met jou kuns. Dit is meer as net vermaak, dit is filosofie, en dit stimuleer die gehoor, daag ons uit en stel ons in staat om ons gedagtes, lewens en stigmas te heroorweeg en vry te laat." | Jeanettie Pretorius SA 110911
Thank you for inviting me to the concert. I had a great time. The artist's performance was very spontaneous, as you described, and was full of passion. It seems that he made every single effort to convey his intense feelings through his performance, either by playing cello, keyboard, or by singing and dancing. Several pieces particularly impressed me, including 'Love at 16', 'Revolution in South Africa'. The first piece might be the most memorable one because it brought the audience to somewhere so close to nature. You could almost hear the sound of birds, wind, small creeks running. The audience was deeply touched by his performance and I am sure that the evening will be in many people's memory for a long time. | zhuge yong USA E 101120
Jou musiek het my na ander sfere geneem en ek wil jou opreg bedank vir 'n besondere musikale belewenis. Jy het my met jou musikale genialiteit, jou spontane en eerlike optrede en warm persoonlikheid oorrompel. Baie dankie vir dit wat jy vanaand vir ons gegee het. | Cobus Ferreira SA 100808
"All the accolades have been used, Francois - I've been on your site many times - so I feel limited in how to express my appreciation and complete AWE of your musical gifts. Nothing I'd read fully prepared me for the depth and inventiveness of your instrumental effects - your improvisations, and then your virtuosity on the cello (nogal)! We're all still basking in the afterglow of your concert..
" | Sue Gordon SA 100725
I very much enjoyed your performance in Chambesy. Rare is the artist, who dares to improvise, unfortunately. Your piano reminded me of Leszek Mozdzer, the great Polish jazz-pianist, whose Chopin-improvisations I love to listen. During your concert my mind also wandered to Apocalyptica, the Finnish heavy-rock band consisting of four cellists. | David Seligson Switzerland 100522
a deceptive brain massage, sometimes simple, sometimes devilishly clever. thanks! | Debra Steiner 100514
"Ik heb er zo ontzettend van genoten. Bij de pauze was mijn lichaam al helemaal opgeladen en het gedeelte na de pauze bracht mij tot sprankelen. Geweldig die dans!!! ""VOELEN VOELEN VOELEN!"" Einzigartig zeggen de Duisters" | Antonia Mulder Netherlands 100418
"You are a live force in the vibes of our global creative moment.
Your role in this world - trying to show people how to be more than what uncreated life simply serves them - is an act you perform with a dreamy sort of authority that touches me deeply. Seeing you on your feet or with your cello is always a reminder to me that life can be graceful if only we have it in us to respond with the right emotional tact. Your approach in examining the emotional potentials of whatever instrument you are at that moment entranced by is fresh, competent and exciting." | Norman Morrissey SA 90825
Intrigerende muzikant. Eerlijk gezegd nog nooit van gehoord, maar hij lijkt mij een geniaal iemand. Ter vergelijken met Frank Marino, ofwel de beste gitarist ter wereld. | 90509
It was one of the most electrifying evenings of music we have ever heard/seen/experienced. A lot of the time we were almost breathless, at others transported by hearing music as we'd never heard it before - just the first notes on the cello are enough to thrust one into a new world. Music has always been a vital force in our family - we all make our living - such as it is! - through and with music, so we are prime candidates for enthusiasm, as it were. I could - and do quite often! - go on about it but it's really that we want you to know how wonderfully you affected us all. Your 9/11 music had Julie and me in tears - not just easy weeping, but almost torn apart by despair/sorrow - words fail me. | Pamela Blundell SA 80920
You definitely have an impact on people. You change people. You give people the sense of belonging. You break away barriers through your music and everyone who I've spoken to had nothing but good to say about the Ha!man | Dominic Kessel SA 80820
Veel dank voor de magische momenten die jullie op vrijdagvond 25 april in ons kerkje in Rheden hebben laten 'rondzingen'. Wij vonden het een eer en een groot voorrecht erbij te zijn. Het was enerzijds erg ontspannen, anderzijds zeer intens. Iedereen die ik erover sprak, had het gevoel getuige te zijn geweest van iets essentieels, gebracht door een groot kunstenaar (een muzikaal multitalent, heb ik ook gehoord). Ik kan die kwalificaties alleen maar onderschrijven. | Rob van Bruggen Netherlands 80428
Hier gons die mense nou nog oor jou puik optredes Francois! (show, werkswinkels, gedigte ens.) en almal is dit eens: jy is die merkwaardigste talent wat nog ooit by ons feeste opgetree het! Dit was fantasties! | Koos & Hantie Kruger 70905
I have journied tonight into the darkest corners of madness to the lightest awe of creativity. Thank you | Courtney Ward SA 60916
Brilliant, versatile & a producer of note! | Mark Wiehahn SA 60126
"Looking behind in the year, I would say that there were three highlights this year: In July I saw the Gryphon Trio performing part of a work by the Canadian Christos Hatzis called ""Constantinople."" Later, in October, I went to NYC to see Philip Glass & ensamble alive performing ""Orion."" And yesterday your own work. I really wander what they have in common, why they left this impression in my mind. I can find only one answer, being the hability that the composers and performers had in entering my mind and transforming the matter they encountered inside. On the other hand, the mind was open for change, for recreation and the ideas brought inisde become fuel for even other ideas." | Bruno Linhares USA E 51112
let me say you are the most remarkable and electrifying musician I have ever seen and I've loved music all of my life. I've seen Jimmie Hendrix, the Beatles and others going back that far. There really aren't enough adjectives to describe your performances. | Nancy Nicolay USA C 51011
Powerful stuff! A brilliant marriage of the traditional and modern, in all respects. | Chris Ihlenfeldt SA 50328
This is pure genius in play. Genius rolls off every note. This man is as original as Adam. To listen to him is an experience that swings us in and out of history, and stretches the imagination into worlds besides ours. | Greg Pastoll SA 50219
Thrilling blend of western and african, emotion and humour; and depths of spontaneity and spirituality | Maragret Reed 41215
"I saw Francois perform in a home in Richmond, Virginia, USA in November 2004. He has a fabulous command of the cello and gave a remarkable performance I will never forget." | Jon Wight USA E 41107
"a fascinating transportation into a universe of sound. your capacity to include your audience into a creative experience makes your performance unique (you played at our home and we loved you)" | Lynnette & Allyn Baskind USA S 41005
Vous etes merveilleux! Un grand artiste! Mahatma (grande ame). Merci d'etre. Je suis privilgiee de vous avoir connu | Denise Lauzar Girard 41003
I found much about the moods in his music that was Australian; eclectic, irreverent yet not insensitive, pensive yet not ponderous, expansive, intimate and whimsical. | Michael Shaskey Australia 40924
"great-inspiring-playful-creative-courageous-optimistic-nostalgic-close to nature-missing africa while listening" | Ann van Evan Belgium 405
Daar het 'n lang tydperk verloop sedert ons soveel inspirasie beleef het. Hou aan wat jy doen. Dis werklik onmisbaar. | Stiaan & Ilse Burden SA 30905
i am deeply blown away by you... the way you insert yourself into the moment and use the energies available and make them into art, the way you Be with complete integrity - all and nothing in a single moment.. | Corinne Knowles SA 30316
Jy maak mense se koppe oop, harte week, en selfs soekend in hul siele | Bernice Oberholzer SA 30203
"A rollercoaster experience of true artistry!!!" | Bertus Dreyer SA 20804
diepste harteroerseten.. ik vroeg me af hoe muziek in de hemel zal zijn! | Sjoerd & Jonneke Oskam Netherlands 20502