this is an independent platform for the creative work of mainly myself (HA!Man) but also my life partner, Joke Debaere and to a tiny extend of our little daughter, Mira le Roux. it works like a streaming service, where subscribers have access to an extensive library of items - recordings, videos, writings, visual art - as well as privy to regular new releases. it is structured around nine moods - from the mystical and dream-like right through to the all embracing and homecoming, so that this "HA!World Online Experience" strengthens and enriches the heart and the world of feelings in the first place. items can also be downloaded for offline viewing, reading and printing. this growing body of over 1500 works represents more than two decades of creativity with spontaneity and personal experience at its core. it is a "world" not only in the sense of opening up a window on a unique life journey through four continents, but also because it emanates from a deep interest and concern for the whole of the human family and the earth, in all its colour, quests and (dis)connectedness. becoming a subscriber is to join and support this life-long endeavour.